Are you loving the Bishop Sleeve trend? I know I am. They add such a statement to any outfit while still being soft and romantic. Today I want to share with you a hack to have an elastic wrist instead of the band for your Katharine dresses.
-1/4 Inch Elastic
-Small Safety Pin
-Extra Paper
-Katharine Bishop Sleeve Pattern Piece
-Katharine Band Pattern Piece
-Curved Ruler is helpful but optional. I will show you how to do it without a curved ruler.
Step 1
Since we will be eliminating the band piece from the sleeve we need to add this length back into the sleeve. To do this we will use the Katharine Band Pattern Piece. Take your Katharine Bishop Sleeve Pattern Piece and lay it over blank paper. Tape the pattern sleeve and paper together. Then fold your Katharine Band Piece in half.
Step 2
Notice that the pattern piece is not straight across. Make sure to keep that curved line when you are tracing. Line the band piece up and trace the same pattern line with band piece lengt. I like to make short little dashes at each area and then connect them when I am all done. This is where a curved ruler would be helpful. As you can see I did not use a curved ruler, but it does make it a bit easier.
Step 3
Now that you have a rough line drawing, complete your line and draw the sides down. Then cut off the extra paper.
Step 4
Cut out your sleeve with your new pattern piece. Assemble the Bodice as written in the pattern instructions.
Step 5
Hem your sleeve with 1/2 an inch seam allowance. Use a long zig zag stitch for this step. Do not hem it completely closed. Instead Leave a small opening so you can thread the elastic through.
Step 6
Take your elastic and lay it on your Katharine Band Pattern Piece. This will give you the measurement you need for the length of your elastic so you do not have to guess. DO NOT CUT ELASTIC YET. Instead use a fabric marker or pen to mark this length on your elastic. This will help you when threading the elastic to not lose it in the casing.
Step 7
Attach a safety pin to the end of the elastic.
Step 8
Find the opening you left in your hem and thread the safety pin with the elastic through the casing.
Step 9
You can cut your elastic at this point or leave it uncut. I personally cut mine, but you may find it easier to leave it still attached. Take it to your sewing machine and use an elastic stitch to sew it together on the mark.
Step 10
Finish hemming the casing closed using a long zig zag stitch on your sewing machine. Remember to backstitch at the beginning and end of sewing so your threads do not come undone.
Step 11
Repeat for second Sleeve
Your Sleeves are now done!